12 research outputs found

    New Solution of Abstract Architecture for Control and Coordination Decentralized Systems

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    This paper contains a new approach that combines the advantages and disadvantages of suppressing hierarchical and heterarchical control architectures, creating a semi-heterarchical (holonic) control architecture. The degree of subordinate unit autonomy changes dynamically, depending on the presence of a system disruption, and its scope allows for a smooth transition from hierarchical to heterarchic control architecture in subordinate units. We have proposed a representation of the dynamic degree of autonomy and its possible application to subordinate units, which are, in our case, one-directional Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and are guided by magnetic tape. In order to achieve such a semi-heterarchic management architecture with a dynamic degree of autonomy, approaches such as smart product, stymergic (indirect) communication, or basic principles of holon approach have been implemented

    Innovation Performance of Organization

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    Globalization has confirmed that the competitive ability of organizations is conditioned by the successful development of innovations. Innovation management and development of innovative potential of organizations are becoming a scientific problem, since the existing approaches in this area do not have satisfactory results. The paper presents a new approach to enhancing innovation performance of the organization that is built on a systematic examination of possible innovation potential of the organization and purposeful creation of a suitable innovative environment in the organization

    Order Picking Using Augmented Reality

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    This article examines the problem of application of augmented reality in terms of picking goods in static systems with the deployment of a man (systems "goods to man"). Article describes a comprehensive methodology for the use of augmented reality in the process of picking starting from the preparation of input data, through optimizing the movement of workers in the warehouse, to actual worker navigation using augmented reality. The problem was solved on the authors´ workplace and the proposed solution has been verified in the experimental workplace built under the concept of ZIMS (Zilina Intelligent Manufacturing System) which is developed at the University of Zilina in cooperation with the Central European Institute of Technology (CEIT)

    The Approaches of Advanced Industrial Engineering in Next Generation Manufacturing Systems

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    The article deals with new approaches to the development trends in the advanced industrial engineering in manufacturing systems. The authors emphasize the need for integration of advanced industrial engineering in next generation manufacturing systems, which responds to new trends of production, innovation and advanced technology. This integration represents a sustainable development so that humanization of work is increased, more effective use of natural and energy resources are achieved and production costs are reduced. Trends in the products manufacturing must meet both industrial engineering as well as production management. The development trends in the industrial engineering in manufacturing organizations must use methods and tools of advanced industrial engineering to achieve competitiveness. The third part of this article deals with specification of these approaches in next generation manufacturing systems

    Adaptive Logistics Management and Optimization through Artificial Intelligence

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    Adaptive logistics management can be reached using artificial intelligence and optimization processes. The paper deals with adaptive logistics management in order to allow direct communication between logistics management systems and logistics facilities, machines, robots and mobile robot system using AI and adaptive behavior in logistics processes. In addition, the paper discusses development trends in adaptive logistics processes and new features such as holonic systems of autonomic logistics management

    Interfacing the Control Systems of Enterprise-Level Process Equipment with a Robot Operating System

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    The analytical section of this paper deals with theoretical knowledge, considering the latest trends in the subject area. To achieve the successful implementation of cobots based on operating systems in manufacturing systems, it is necessary to pay attention specifically to the interfacing of Robot Operating Systems with the control systems of manufacturing systems at the process level of an enterprise. In the practical section, an algorithm with well-defined steps towards the successful implementation of cobots in holonic manufacturing processes is proposed. By setting up an experimental workstation in a laboratory, the proposed procedures are verified at the end of the paper. The creation of a design for the implementation of a collaborative robot with a human represents the missing link in the whole chain of commercial applications of the latest trends from the field of robotic systems in the industrial sphere. The main contributions of this study include the establishment of a communication channel between cobots and programmable logic PLCs (Programmable logic controllers), and an experimental verification of the proposed solution for the implementation of a cooperating robot with a human in a manufacturing system in the laboratory. Another advantage of this paper is the creation of a new procedure for conducting a risk analysis of cooperating robots and multipurpose autonomous devices

    Business model canvas in global enterprises

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    Each business model is based on a particular business model, but some businesses do not have a defined model. Global megatrends are among the systemic characteristics of today’s challenges. This paper deals with the proposed business model for a specific enterprise. Slovak entrepreneurs are mostly cautious and rather hesitate to accept something that is unfamiliar to them and new to them. Key enabling technologies will play a decisive role in the future competitive environment, and with them the new way to come value of products. These innovations are a prerequisite for product innovation to meet the needs, wishes and possibilities of customers. Oftentimes, they will accept it as a necessary measure when they see how the competition beats them. We could also write a similar scenario about modern business models, where most foreign companies have elaborated them in detail and set up to make the company successful in the future. The business model describes the basic principle of how an enterprise creates values, how it captures and mediates. The first section focuses on specific types of business models and their development and survey of the literature. The case study in selected company deals with the use of strategic management methods, as well as finding out the current state, from which the complex business model was created. The results showed that the implementation of the solution helps the company to achieve the goal and subsequent development

    The Use of a Six-Level Model of Business Development in Practice

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    Research background: Globalization processes bring many advantages and disadvantages within the economic, political, social as well as ecological environment. The economic advantages come mainly from the possibility of finding cheaper production inputs, which results in better competitiveness of companies and the supply of goods at lower prices. Purpose of the article: In order to obtain a comprehensive view of the company’s development, it is appropriate to use a model of six levels of company development, which allows for a good structuring of general and specific conditions of company development. Methods: The paper deals with the analysis of individual levels of business development, which are described in more detail in the introduction, which was carried out through a questionnaire, observation, personal interviews, etc. It also contains suggestions for improvements where industrial engineering methods are used. The benefits of the following study may include the analysis of individual levels in practice, the design of the use of a six-level model at various levels of business development, increasing the abilities and skills of individual operators by introducing a substitution matrix that will include individual operators in the cells. Findings & Value added: Another benefit is an increase in motivation for employees, which will affect the work performance and quality of finished products using a new incentive system with various rewards. The information obtained about customers through the implementation of the CRM system provides all the information from the beginning of communication with the customers themselves and improved the clarity of the activities of individual employees

    Advanced Logistics Strategy of a Company to Create Sustainable Development in the Industrial Area

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    Strategic management determines the direction of a company for several years ahead. Managers and business owners who create strategies must anticipate and be able to see systemically. Logistics is a fundamental process in the industrial field, and despite the constant emphasis on importance, companies encounter problems in this area. A prerequisite for properly functioning logistics for companies operating in the industrial sector is an appropriately chosen logistics strategy, which is the subject of this work. The first part summarizes the theoretical basis for strategy and logistics, current trends, and influencing logistics processes. The second chapter analyzes the current state of logistics strategy development and summarizes its problem areas at the same time. The focal part of the contribution is the innovative proposal of the methodology for developing the logistics strategy in the industrial area through a progressive approach. The methodology is partially verified. The proposed methodology offers companies the opportunity to evaluate the current state of the logistics system correctly, select the correct elements of the external and internal environment affecting logistics processes, define goals and limitations, choose the right indicators that will enable the evaluation of the implemented strategy, formulate a strategy that will reflect the requirements of the company and include new technologies, correctly create the framework of the strategy implementation project, and, finally, visualize and evaluate the selected indicators during and after the implementation of the strategy. Among the created variants of the logistics strategy is the introduction of elements that will lead to the gradual development of the Industry 4.0 trend in a company

    Advanced Logistics Strategy of a Company to Create Sustainable Development in the Industrial Area

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    Strategic management determines the direction of a company for several years ahead. Managers and business owners who create strategies must anticipate and be able to see systemically. Logistics is a fundamental process in the industrial field, and despite the constant emphasis on importance, companies encounter problems in this area. A prerequisite for properly functioning logistics for companies operating in the industrial sector is an appropriately chosen logistics strategy, which is the subject of this work. The first part summarizes the theoretical basis for strategy and logistics, current trends, and influencing logistics processes. The second chapter analyzes the current state of logistics strategy development and summarizes its problem areas at the same time. The focal part of the contribution is the innovative proposal of the methodology for developing the logistics strategy in the industrial area through a progressive approach. The methodology is partially verified. The proposed methodology offers companies the opportunity to evaluate the current state of the logistics system correctly, select the correct elements of the external and internal environment affecting logistics processes, define goals and limitations, choose the right indicators that will enable the evaluation of the implemented strategy, formulate a strategy that will reflect the requirements of the company and include new technologies, correctly create the framework of the strategy implementation project, and, finally, visualize and evaluate the selected indicators during and after the implementation of the strategy. Among the created variants of the logistics strategy is the introduction of elements that will lead to the gradual development of the Industry 4.0 trend in a company